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5.0 Vision, Mission, Values and Objectives

5.1 Vision

A society that is fully inclusive and provides equal opportunities and access to services for all persons with disabilities.

5.2 Mission

To provide an enabling environment for the empowerment of PWDs to enable them effectively participate in and benefit from the development initiatives.

5.3 Goal

To achieve equal treatment, social inclusion and empowerment of PWDs

5.4 Values

  • Human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness and protection of the minority and marginalized
  • Consultative, participatory and consensus based
  • Gender and disability sensitivity
  • Innovative and specialized
  • Transparency, accountability and cost effectiveness

5.5 Objectives

The objectives of this policy are:

  • To provide a framework for legislation, co-ordination and programming for PWDs
  • To establish a regional coordination forum
  • To mainstream issues of PWDs in programs, policies, plans and M & E systems
  • To establish mechanisms for promoting community based support systems
  • To provide opportunities for strengthening capacities of PWDs and their families, care givers and DPOs to harness their maximum potential
  • To establish a sustainable funding mechanism for PWDs at the EAC level
  • To influence the ratification of the UNCRPD by all Partner States and the EAC as a block

5.6 Strategies

The policy will be operationalised through the following strategies

  1. The rights of persons with disabilities are enshrined in the EAC treaty and protected by appropriate legislation on disability
  2. Review all existing EAC legislation to ensure that they are disability focused
  3. Research, documentation and dissemination on best practices and experiences for replication and scaling up interventions by all actors at all levels
  4. Sensitize all stakeholders and policy makers via mass media, reports, publications and any other communication strategy to enhance awareness on PWDs issues including gender, children, youth and elderly concerns
  5. Evidence based lobbying and Advocacy to all sectors and policy makers to appreciate and address the concerns of PWDs
  6. Mainstreaming PWDs issues in national, regional policies and affirmative action
  7. Capacity building, enhancing skills development and social support systems so that PWDs participate in and effectively contribute to socio-economic development
  8. Enhancing net working, partnerships, linkages and collaboration with all stakeholders
