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XII. Research and Development Issue

Republic Act 7277 Section 17 mandates State Colleges and Universities to conduct research activities to improve educational services to persons with disabilities82 These include access features and assistive devices that would enhance the learning performance of students. Article 9 of CRPD further expands this by explicitly stating affordability and availability issues.

Note #82
National Council on Disability Affairs

In particular, the vision impaired community is working on popularizing Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) to ensure not only the enjoyment of those with print disabilities in accessing information and learning materials but to enjoy that right on an equal bases with the rest in the education, recreation and entertainment fields. Through a non government organization and government agency partnership, the Philippine DAISY. Network, is working to develop a Filipino voice engine. The Filipino voice engine is a program that would enable screen readers and recorders to read Filipino texts in Filipino accent and pronunciation. PDN is currently connecting with the National Council on Disability Affairs, the National computer Center and the Commission on Information Technology (NCC-CICT) towards this end. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is also being invited to participate.

In September 2008, the NCDA Board of Governors has by consensus formulated Resolution 11 of 2008 recognizing DAISY as a standard in the production of accessibility format for public documents and instructional materials including school textbooks and teaching manuals.83

The National Committee on the UN Convention of the Sectoral Council of Persons with Disabilities of the National Anti Poverty Commission is working on international networking to enhance research and development activities related to technology.

Note #83
NCDA Resolution
