Annex I Statistical Data
1. The total budgetary investments in institutions for placement of persons with disabilities amounted to about RSD 384,386,267. The funds were most often spent for various repairs, adaptations, constructions and for procurement of various working equipment. As shown in the Table below, in 2010 the investments were even four times and five times, respectively, higher than in previous years.
Total Investments – Years | Investments | Equipment | Total |
Total | 316,083,691 | 68,302,576 | 384,386,267 |
Total investments in 2008 | 81,603,395 | 15,945,851 | 97,549,246 |
Total investments in 2009 | 37,707,858 | 22,715,390 | 60,423,248 |
Total investments in 2010 | 196,772,438 | 29,641,335 | 226,413,773 |
2. Table – Adults per Type of Disability
Adults per Type of Disability | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Total | 37,915 | 42,218 | 42,529 | 45,057 |
Bad sight and hearing | 2,141 | 2,464 | 2,482 | 2,547 |
Mental disability | 9,372 | 9,795 | 10,469 | 10,856 |
Mental disease | 9,378 | 9,558 | 9,807 | 10,260 |
Severe physical difficulties | 11,980 | 13,118 | 12,605 | 13,237 |
Other disabilities | 5,044 | 7,283 | 7,166 | 8,157 |
3. The Family Law introduced compulsory specialization of judges acting in family cases in the field of the rights of the child (Article 204), and the very specialization programmes has been defined in the Rulebook on programme and method of gaining special knowledge in the field of the rights of the child of judges deliberating in the proceedings related to family relations (Official Gazette of RS
, No. 44/06). This Rulebook prescribes an obligation of the Judicial Academy to carry out and organize training to obtain relevant certificates (Article 10). This programme includes specific training in the field of the rights of the child, legal consequences of marriage and common-law marriage, child's opinion and domestic violence. From the time of the Family Law entering into force in July 2006 to April 2009, the Judicial Academy organized 18 seminars attended by more than 525 judges from all courts obtaining relevant certificates and 45 one-day seminars on the subject The Family Law– Principles and Guidelines
, which was attended by 735 judges. Within the period from June 2006 to April 2009, within the Sector for Civil and criminal Law of the Ministry of Justice, 74 one-day seminars were organized on the subject Domestic Abuse – Civil and Criminal Legal Aspects and Execution in Family Matters
, attended by 987 judges and public prosecutors and their deputies.
4. Table: Review of the Number of Children and Youth Victims of Violence Reported by the Custody Authorities (Social Welfare Centres) in the Regions of Serbia 69
- Note #69
The Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Serbia,
Analysis of Report on the Activities of Social Welfare Centers in Serbia, 2009
. The Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 2010. - Return
Region of Serbia | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Index of growth | 100.00 | 121.80 | 99.30 | 138.80 | 145.90 |
Central Serbia | 1,225 | 1,556 | 1,401 | 1,452 | 1,561 |
Vojvodina | 709 | 968 | 528 | 889 | 869 |
Kosovo | 48 | 54 | 50 | 6 | 26 |
Belgrade | 293 | 193 | 281 | 811 | 865 |
Serbia in total | 2,275 | 2,771 | 2,260 | 3,158 | 3,321 |
5. Table: Review of the Number of Adults and Elderly Persons Victims of Violence Reported by SWC, in the Regions of Serbia 70
- Note #70
- Ibid
- Return
Region of Serbia | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Index of growth | 100.00 | 364.60 | 464.80 | 679.70 | 1,122.40 |
Central Serbia | 374 | 1,078 | 1,964 | 1,973 | 3,382 |
Vojvodina | 195 | 1,176 | 962 | 1,119 | 2,028 |
Kosovo | 19 | 34 | 43 | 4 | 39 |
Belgrade | 82 | 155 | 145 | 1,458 | 2,071 |
Serbia in total | 670 | 2,443 | 3,114 | 4,554 | 7,520 |
6.The total number of registered victims of violence in the course of 2009 amounted to 7,520 and out of this number the largest portion relates to adults, while women and children together make more than two thirds. These data also contain data on violence committed against persons with disabilities, but there are no especially kept records of such issues.
7.Table: Total Number of Family Members Reported as Victims of Violence and Their Structure per Sex 71
- Note #71
- Ibid
- Return
Family Members - Victims of Violence | Female | Male | Total |
Children | 1,707 | 1,419 | 3,126 |
Adults | 3,270 | 341 | 3,611 |
Elderly persons | 569 | 214 | 783 |
8.Within the period from 2006 to 2009, in respect of the total number of cases of domestic violence (including violence against children), partners are prevailing in the structure of perpetrators.
9.Table: Number of Families with Reported Violence per Violence Perpetrator 72
- Note #72
- Ibid
- Return
Perpetrator | Number of Families | |||
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | |
Reported families total | 2,283 | 3,472 | 5,133 | 5,078 |
Father | 976 | 863 | 1,211 | 1,281 |
Mother | 432 | 219 | 316 | 274 |
Both parents | 605 | 193 | 244 | 200 |
Brother/Sister | 119 | 608 | 837 | 115 |
Married couples/common-law partner | 133 | 1,496 | 2,434 | 2,310 |
Other | 18 | 93 | 191 | 898 |
10.For illustration purposes, it is stated in the Analysis of the Report on the Activities of Social Welfare Centres that in 2008 and 2009 in the structure of cases of violence reported to the social welfare centres the largest number of them was reported by the police.
11.Table: Structure of Reported Families per Method of Domestic Violence Detection (2008-2009)
Method of Detection | Number of Families | |
2008 | 2009 | |
Total number of families | 5,205 | 5,019 |
Reported by police | 1,908 | 1,924 |
Reported by family member | 1,791 | 1,681 |
Court request | 517 | 478 |
Reported by institution (school, health centre, nursery school, etc.) | 360 | 296 |
Reported by another person not being family member | 341 | 338 |
Ex officio custody authority | 258 | 274 |
Reported by non-governmental organization | 30 | 28 |
12.Table: Number and Structure of Adopted Court Protection Measures against Domestic Violence in 2009
Type of Adopted Court Measure | Number of Measures |
Total number of adopted measures | 823 |
Prohibition to be close to a family member at certain distance | 307 |
Prohibition of further harassment of a family member | 258 |
Prohibition of access in the area surrounding the place of residence or work | 151 |
Issuance of order for flat or house vacation | 95 |
Issuance of order to occupy family flat or house | 12 |
13. In 2009 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Department of Inspection Supervision carried out the following inspection supervision (extraordinary, regular and control ones) at the following institutions for placement of persons with disabilities: Sremčica
Home in Sremčica; Dr Nikola Šumenković
Home in Stamnica; Izvor
in Paraćin; Gvozden Jovančićević
Institution for Placement of Adults in Veliki Popovac; Institution for Placement of Adults in Tutin; Male Pčelice
Institution for Placement of Adults in Kragujevac; Sremčica
Home in Sremčica.
14. 246. In 2010 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Department of Inspection Supervision carried out the following inspection supervision (extraordinary, regular and control ones) at 7 institutions for placement of persons with disabilities, as follows: Veternik
Institution in Novi Sad; Institution for Placement of Adult Persons with Disabilities in Doljevac; Institution for Adult Persons with Disabilities in Belgrade; Institution for Placement of Adult Persons with Disabilities in Tutin; Home for Adult persons with disabilities in Belgrade – upon application; Home for Placement of Adults in Kulina and Home for Placement of Adults in Tutin. Inspection of acting: 9 inspection supervisions were carried out in continuity at the Home for Placement of Adults in Kulina (within the period from 28 October to 3 December 2010).
15. The pilot project Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Mental Disabilities and Placement in Supported Housing Community
, at Sremčica
Home, has been in progress for three years already and included 23 beneficiaries, who are included in the programme of supported housing.
16. Funds: The partnership between the state and other providers of services intended for children with disabilities has been increasing within several last years, since the establishment of the Social Innovation Fund (SIF) and the Fund of Persons with Disabilities (FPD). Since 2003 when the SIF issued the first tender, design financing of new services in the community was intensified, also including those intended to children with disabilities, thus using the opportunities in the surroundings in a flexible manner (donations, expert support, etc.) to encourage positive changes before they are systemically formed. The Social Innovation Fund supported within the scope of its fourth tender (for 2007/2008) eight projects in total for development of training programmes and treatment of children and young in the forms of protection outside institutions. Out of eight projects of this type, performed through the Social Innovation Fund, four projects refer to children with disabilities.
17. In 2008, through the tenders of the SIF, 116 projects in 49 towns in Serbia were supported.
18. Out of the mentioned 116 projects, 98 were aimed at direct improvement of the position of persons with disabilities.
Type of Project Activity | Number of Projects | Amount |
Total | 98 | 78,306,917.32 |
Prevention of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization (supported housing with assistance) | 21 | 21,436,264.80 |
Daily activities in local community (stimulating and inclusion programmes and intensive daily activities – daily care) | 40 | 29,483,661.91 |
Promotion of the principle of equal opportunities of persons with disabilities (campaigns) | 19 | 13,989,089.84 |
Improvement of accessibility of physical surroundings (elimination of architectural barriers) | 12 | 8,794,427.87 |
Application of auxiliary (assistance) technologies with the aim to enable better social integration of persons with disabilities | 6 | 4,603,472.80 |
19. In the course of 2009 the SIF issued a tender aimed at the development of daily care service and support to establishment and improvement of this service, in local communities in Serbia. According to this tender, the services of daily care are also intended for children with disabilities. The funds for the implementation of the tender in the amount of EUR 370,000 were received from the European Union.
20. Daily Care Service for Adults has been showing increase (data obtained from social welfare centres). This number increased from 529 persons in 2007, 980 persons in 2008 up to 1,076 persons in the course of 2009. There is a very positive trend in respect of protection of this type for persons with disabilities since the number of local authorities providing funds for daily care has been increased more than double within the period from 2007 to 2009. For example, in 2007 there were 26 municipalities in total financing daily care in their territories and in 2009 there were even 56 municipalities that had worked out this form of aid for people living in their territories. According to the data of social welfare centre, in the course of 2009, there were 1,326 children using the service of daily care.
21. The National Investment Fund (NIP): Within the period from 2007 up to now, the funds of the NIP were used to adapt, reconstruct or construct the buildings for daily care in the following municipalities: Daily Care for Children with Disabilities – Priboj; Daily Care for Children with Disabilities – Zaječar (adaptation of the building; the value estimated to be RSD 1,900,000, of which from the NIP – RSD 1,186,100.52); Daily Care for Children with Disabilities – Jagodina (the construction of the building has not been completed because the municipality of Jagodina did not fulfil its obligations; capacity of 40 children and the value of contracted works at the time of the contract signing amounted to RSD 8,400,000); Daily Care for Children with Disabilities – Lebane (adaptation of the building; the value estimated to be RSD 1,700,000, of which from the NIP – RSD 1,700,000); Daily Care for Children with Disabilities – Paraćin (adaptation of the building; the value estimated to be RSD 2,750,000, of which from the NIP – RSD 2,186,100).
22. The funds from the donation by Raiffeisen Bank were used to adapt the building for daily care for children with disabilities in Valjevo.
23. More than EUR 3 million were allocated from the National Investment Plan in 2009 to continue the implementation of the project of adaptation of a part of premises at the social protection institutions to place children without parents and to place children with disabilities and assign the premises to local communities to establish services preventing placement at institutions and support families with children. These funds were also used to raise the quality of housing for children with disabilities. Also, it was planned to continue the project with the funds in the amount of almost EUR 5 million for the construction of flats for supported housing for young persons with disabilities who are leaving the institutions. For the continuation of the project of construction of daily care units for children with disabilities in local community the value of more than EUR 1.6 million was allocated (IPA funds).
24. Within the framework of large three-year project Support to Implementation of the Strategy of Social Protection Development
supported by the British Government through DFID and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy allocated the funds based on two tenders for the projects of social protection according to local strategies, for the development of services in local community. In 2008 the funds in the amount of RSD 36,622,252 in total were allocated for 13 projects from 11 municipalities for the development of services related to children with disabilities and persons with disabilities. In 2009 with the amount of RSD 21,430,128.76 another 13 projects were financed, related to this group of beneficiaries. This project specified GBP 300,000 and EUR 1 million for grants to municipalities.
25. In April 2010 the agreement on cooperation was signed with the Open Society Fund and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy regarding the project Development of Local Services of Social Protection in Serbia
, which secured grants for the municipalities in the amount of RSD 22,893,300. The tender was issued on 6 September 2010. Out of received 45 applications from the municipalities, 35 were selected, and out of this number 17 projects concerned persons with disabilities. This project was completed on 31 December 2010.
26. At the end of 2010 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy issued a tender for the poorest municipalities for the development of services and assistance in the field of social protection in the amount of RSD 400 million. 69 local self-governments applied for the tender with 98 projects in total and out of this number even 40 financed projects concerned persons with disabilities.
27. EU Pre-Accession Funds: In November 2010, the EU Delegation to Serbia issued a tender for the support to establishment and improvement of local social services intended to children with disabilities, in the framework of which local self-governments would be awarded EUR 3 million. The funds would be allocated for the development and improvement of services in local communities, such as home assistance, daily cares and personal assistants. This tender would support the development of the services that may prevent institutionalization and ensure necessary support to parents so that a child with disabilities would remain living with his/her family. With the aim to affirm the regional approach in the development of social services in local communities, the right to apply for the tender has been prescribed for the groups of at least 4 municipalities. The value of individual grants varies from EUR 200,000 to EUR 400,.000 and local self-governments shall participate with 10% at least. The tender is intended for all municipalities having set up social services for children with disabilities and not having sufficient funds to improve them as well as to those municipalities that had not done it yet. This tender presents one component of the Social Inclusion
programme, IPA 2008, which is financed by the EU and carried out under technical assistance of UNICEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
28. At the 2010 tender for improvement of the position of persons with disabilities 89 projects were supported, in the total value of RSD 71,363,404.65.
29. The groups of activities supported at the 2010 tender for improvement of the position of persons with disabilities are as follows:
- Prevention of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization;
- Improvement of accessibility of surroundings physically;
- Support services for independence of beneficiaries.
30. Within the framework of priority group of activities in the field of prevention of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization, the following services were supported:
- Supported housing for persons with disabilities means a service at the local level the basic purpose of which is to support the exercise of rights and needs of persons with disabilities to accomplish the highest possible level of independence, in order to improve quality of living and make better social integration.
- Daily care for persons with disabilities is a service enabling children, adults and old persons with disabilities to stay with their families and to meet their requirements in the surroundings they live in, in their natural environment thus avoiding placement at the institutions. This service shall provide structured activities aimed at the development of practical skills for everyday living, ensuring independence, progress and maintenance of social, cognitive and physical functions to the greatest extent, with the aim to provide assumptions for their inclusion in the community life. This service shall render to beneficiaries positive and constructive experience of stay outside families. At the same time families are enabled to have some spare time to perform other activities.
- Stimulating and inclusion programmes intended for children, adults and old persons with disabilities mean a service implying activities aimed at stimulation of potentials of beneficiaries, incitement of better social integration of persons with disabilities and expansion of social contact network, namely activities aimed at the improvement of living quality in order to maintain physical and mental health of persons with disabilities. The programmes from this group of activities imply the activities aimed at the development of remaining abilities of persons with disabilities for better independent functioning and easier inclusion in the social community, which are directed towards gradual increase of sensitivity and understanding of needs and capabilities of persons with disabilities by the general population, ensuring at the same time accessibility of contents and activities to beneficiaries also used by general population in the local community.
31. Within the framework of this group of activities, old persons with disabilities were mentioned for the first time and service aimed at improvement of quality of living of old persons with disabilities through the support in maintenance of physical and mental health of old persons with disabilities and integration programmes for old persons with disabilities in the local community.
32. Services intended to old persons with disabilities should ensure the following types of support:
- Assistance in procurement of essentials and performance of activities prevented due to disability (procurement of food, payment of bills, etc.);
- Assistance in performance of preventive medical care (blood pressure and sugar level measurements, procurement of medicines, etc.);
- Psycho-social support;
- Socialisation and re-integration of old persons with disabilities in the local community.
33. The largest number of project proposals was supported within this project priority, namely 51 projects were supported.
34. As in the previous years, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy shall render support to those activities aimed at elimination of architectural barriers so that persons with disabilities shall have access to full and equal participation in the community life. Within this priority the adaptations of premises were supported in order to ensure physical accessibility to surroundings for persons with disabilities, in accordance with the standards of accessibility established by positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia. Likewise the 2009 Tender Cycle, within this priority group of activities, the applicants had an obligation to also provide, in addition to preliminary technical design solutions, the partnership with the local self-government in order to join the resources of all stakeholders in provision of accessible surroundings for citizens with disabilities. Within this second group of priorities, 3 project proposals were supported.
35. The third group of services were support services for independence of beneficiaries consisting of 2 groups of education:
- Education for awareness-raising of persons with disabilities and large public about persons with disabilities for the purpose of their more successful social integration having the aim to inform the social community with the essence and importance of social model of disability, as well as education for incitement of active living and support independence of persons with disabilities.
- Education for capacity strengthening of organizations for persons with disabilities in order to provide more programmes and better services for persons with disabilities. These educations are also aimed at improvement of activities of organizations of persons with disabilities, strategic thinking and better positioning in the surroundings with the aim to ensure sustainability of their activities. These educations refer to organizational management, skills for preparation of project proposals, management and administration of projects, financial management, team work and settlement of conflicts in team work, public negotiations and representation of interests of beneficiaries and educations in the field of establishment of partnership at the level of local community.
36. 35 projects were supported within this group of activities.

Distribution According to Group of Activities
37. One of important criterions of the Tender was the implementation of project activities in territory of the Republic of Serbia, so the following territorial distribution of project activities according to approved projects at the Tender for improvement of the position of persons with disabilities was as follows:
- In the territory of the central region of Serbia 27 projects were supported, namely 31% of the total number of approved projects;
- In the territory of the south and the east regions of Serbia 19 projects were supported, namely 21% of the total number of approved projects;
- In the territory of Vojvodina 21 projects were supported, namely 24%,
- While in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija 2 projects would be implemented, being 2% of the total number of supported projects.
- In view of a very large number of organizations and beneficiaries in the territory of the City of Belgrade, the number of approved projects in Belgrade amounts to 20, namely to 22%. However, it is important to mention that a considerable number of project proposals from this group is also intended for beneficiaries from other towns in the central Serbia and in Vojvodina, respectively.

Territorial Distribution of Projects
38. The disbursement of resources in relation to the above mentioned regions is as follows:
- For the projects to be implemented in the central region of Serbia RSD 22,688,359.24 were allocated;
- For the projects to be implemented in the south and the east regions of Serbia RSD 14,401,171.57 were allocated;
- For the projects to be implemented in the territory of Vojvodina RSD 13,329,513.10 were allocated;
- For the projects to be implemented in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija RSD 960,000.00 were allocated;
- For the projects of organizations from the territory of the City of Belgrade RSD 19,984,360.74 were allocated.
39. In respect of the target group, approved projects may be classified as follows:
- The largest number of 34 projects, namely 38% of the total number of approved projects prescribe activities intended for mentally challenged beneficiaries;
- 23 projects, namely 26% are projects for the mixed group of beneficiaries;
- Persons with physical disabilities are beneficiaries of 22 projects, which makes 25% of the total number of approved projects;
- The number of projects intended for blind and visually impaired persons is 5, namely 6% of the total number of approved projects;
- Deaf and hard of hearing persons are primary beneficiaries of 3 projects, namely in 3% of approved projects;
- The smallest number of projects – 2 projects, namely 2% of the total number of approved projects is intended for disabled workers.
40. Please note that this Tender Cycle approved the project the activities of which are intended for children with disabilities of the Roma population. Since the children have different types of disabilities, the above mentioned project proposal was classified to the group of projects having mixed group of beneficiaries.

Target Group Distribution
41. The implementation of project activities according to approved projects started in the middle of June 2010, and since the maximum duration of project activities is 9 months, the 2010 Tender Cycle for Improvement of the Position of Persons with Disabilities will be completed in March 2011.
42. Example: "Sunce" Daily Care Centre in Ivanjica received support from the funds of the EU to continue the project related to assistance and support for children with disabilities from rural areas and their biological families. The implementation of this up to now unique programme in Serbia started in October 2010 thanks to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The project in the value of EUR 18,000 shall include 24 children and their families. The objective of the project is to maintain biological family and prevent institutionalization of children with disabilities from rural areas.
43. The results of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy within the last three years in the process of deinstitutionalization of children are as follows:
- The total number of children and young (up to 26 years of age) at the institutions of social protection was decreased for 29.5% within the last three years;
- The total number of children with foster families was increased for 27%;
- According to the assessment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the number of children with disabilities coming to be placed at the institutions directly from maternity hospitals and specialized children hospitals/wards was decreased;
- The assumptions have been created at the existing institutions for children without parental custody for their gradual transformation to small home communities for children with disabilities;
- The system of fostering has been strengthened and responds to the requirements of children much better, especially to the children from the most vulnerable groups, focused on children with disabilities;
44. Until 2000 the number of children was approximately the same as the number of children with fostering families.
45. In January 2010 there were 3,533 fostering families in Serbia, and in January 2011 there were 3,771 such families. In March 2011 there were 3,802 fostering families in total.
46. Also, within the last few years a considerable number of training programmes has been accredited for professionals in the field of social protection for fostering, and within the last two years another 5 programmes. The total number of 550 professionals was included in training within this type of programmes. Training courses were also arranged for about 220 fostering parents, with special focus on knowledge and skills regarding care for children with disabilities.
47. The Ministry of Economy and Regional Development issued about 30 approvals for the implementation of measures and activities of professional rehabilitation to the mentioned companies for various types of jobs in the production and service activities for the purpose of training courses in 2011.
48. With the aim to raise the level of competences of direct employees as well as of associates engaged to develop the programmes and measures of professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and implementation of the same, the first cycle of training was organized on the subject of "Professional Rehabilitation and management of Professional Rehabilitation Process", for 9 instructors for two weeks who would transfer knowledge to other employees of the National Employment Agency.
49. Also, three workshops were organized attended by 29 advisors for work with persons with disabilities on the subject: motivation and activation of persons with disabilities; performance of social questionnaire in practice and assessment of the need for adjustment of work posts. Workshops were also organized for 20 advisors for work with persons with disabilities on the subject of definition of measures of professional rehabilitation in relation to the category of disability, assessed work capacity and conditions on the labour market.
50. In 2009 at the Tender for Co-Financing of Projects/Programmes in the field of public information system, three projects were approved for persons with disabilities in the total amount of RSD 1,736,493.00.
51. In view of the fact that persons with disabilities need a higher level of support, in additions to tenders, considerable funds are also allocated for regular annual financing of magazines for persons with disabilities, which are printed and distributed through organizations of persons with disabilities. For example, in 2009 there were five co-financed magazines in the total amount of RSD 1,698,850.00.
52. Within the framework of the Tenders for Co-Financing of Projects/Programmes, contributing by their quality to development and presentation of art and culture in 2009, the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society co-financed 19 projects in the amount of RSD 1,744,000.00. Two projects were co-financed outside the Tender in the amount of RSD 2,720,000.00.
53. The Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society financed one project in 2009 at the Tender for Co-Financing of Projects in the Field of Cultural Heritage in the amount of RSD 474,000.00.
54. In 2009 for regular financing of programmes of publishing and librarian activities for the blind, the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society granted to the Association of the Blind of Serbia RSD 8,000,000.00.
55. In 2010, with the aim to make it possible for persons with disabilities to accomplish the right to information to the largest possible extent, the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society issued for the first time a separate Tender for Co-financing of Projects/Programmes in the field of information for persons with disabilities. The subject of the tender concerned is co-financing of printed and audio-visual contents of organizations of persons with disabilities and co-financing of programmes contents of public media intended for information of persons with disabilities. The objective of the tender is to raise the level and quality of information of persons with disabilities (the blind and the deaf) by means of special adjusted techniques as well as the programme contents informing large public about persons with disabilities, with the aim of general sensibilisation and integration. The majority of such projects/programmes were prepared in cooperation with persons with disabilities. 10 projects were co-financed at the Tender in the total amount of RSD 1,977,628.00.
56. The same year funds were also allocated to publish four magazines for persons with disabilities in the total value of RSD 1,867,844.00.
57. In 2011 for the Tender for Co-financing of Projects/Programmes in the field of information for persons with disabilities, the amount of RSD 5,000,000.00 was allocated for 13 associations, one public (radio) and one private (TV) company.
58. Within the framework of the Tenders for Co-Financing of Projects/Programmes, which contributed by their quality to development and presentation of art and culture in 2010, the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society co-financed nine projects contributing to integration of persons with disabilities in the cultural and social life of the community, projects developing creative, art and intellectual potentials of persons with disabilities and contribute to awareness raising, education and sensibilisation of the public for the capabilities and needs of persons with disabilities in the total value of RSD 2,400,000.00. Six projects were financed outside the tender in the total value of RSD 3,370,000.00.
59. At the tender in 2010 the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society co-financed five projects in the field of cultural heritage in the amount of RSD 1,200,000.00.
60. In 2010 for regular financing of programmes of publishing and librarian activities for the blind, the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society granted to the Association of the Blind of Serbia in the field of cultural heritage the amount of RSD 9,000,000.00.
61. At the Tender for Co-Financing of eight programmes/projects intended for cultural activities of persons with disabilities in 2011, the amount of RSD 2,400,000.00 was allocated.
The supplement by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development
62. At the end of the reporting period the total number of persons with disabilities registered with the National Employment Agency who were actively looking for jobs was 14,461.
63. The Law on Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (LPREPD) introduced, as a measure of affirmative action, the obligation to employ persons with disabilities for every employer having 20 employees at least. This measure entered into force on 23 May 2010. An employer having from 20 to 49 employees shall be obliged to employ one person with disability, and per each following 50 employees it shall be obliged to employ one person with disability. An employer not able to meet this employment obligation may participate in financing of salaries of persons with disabilities (at monthly level) employed with the companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities or social company and organization, proportionally to the number of persons it had not employed. An employer that is going to settle financial liabilities contained in the agreement on business – technical cooperation, purchase of products or performance of services with company for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, in the value of 20 average salaries in the economy of the Republic of Serbia, according to the latest published data by the body in the Republic of Serbia in charge of statistics, shall be considered to have met the requirement to employ one person with disability, within the period of 12 months.
64. Career Management and Consulting: 784 persons in total, 214 women. The structure of employees in respect of age is as follows: from 15-19 years of age - 37 persons, 14 women out of this number, from 20-24 years of age - 101 persons; 32 women out of this number, from 25-29 years of age - 83 persons, 34 women out of this number, from 30-34 years of age - 61 persons, 17 women out of this number, from 35-39 years of age - 87 persons, 22 women out of this number, from 40-44 years of age - 79 persons; 16 women out of this number, from 45-49 years of age - 107 persons, 31 women out of this number, from 50-54 years of age - 114 persons; 30 women out of this number, from 55-59 years of age - 93 persons; 17 women out of this number and from 60-64 years of age - 22 persons, 1 woman out of this number. According to the levels of education, the structure of employees is as follows: I SE - 195 persons, 55 women, II SE - 113 persons, 43 women, III SE - 297 persons; 62 women, IV SE - 131 persons, 39 women, V SE - 12 persons, VI SE - 20 persons, 6 women, VII/1 SE - 16 persons, 6 women.
65. Additional Education and Training: 53 persons in total, 17 women. The structure of employees in respect of age is as follows: from 15-19 years of age - 4 persons, 2 women out of this number, from 20-24 years of age - 17 persons; 5 women out of this number, from 25-29 years of age - 19 persons, 5 women out of this number, from 30-34 years of age - 7 persons , 2 women out of this number, from 35-39 years of age - 3 persons, from 40-44 years of age - 8 persons; 2 women out of this number, from 45-49 years of age - 2 persons, from 50-54 years of age - 2 persons; 1 woman out of this number, from 55-59 years of age - 1 person. According to the level of education the structure of employees is as follows: I SE - 7 persons, 2 women, II SE - 7 persons, 4 women, III SE - 26 persons; 4 women, IV SE - 9 persons, 4 women, VI SE - 1 person, 1 woman, VII/1 SE - 3 persons, 2 women.
66. Programmes of Subsidized Employment: 199 persons in total, 57 women. The structure of employees in respect of age is as follows: from 15-19 years of age - 4 persons, 3 women out of this number, from 20-24 years of age - 39 persons; 13 women out of this number, from 25-29 years of age - 30 persons, 11 women out of this number, from 30-34 years of age - 22 persons, 7 women out of this number, from 35-39 years of age - 18 persons, 4 women out of this number, from 40-44 years of age - 13 persons; 2 women out of this number, from 45-49 years of age - 22 persons; 6 women out of this number, from 50-54 years of age - 21 persons; 9 women out of this number, from 55-59 years of age - 26 persons; 2 women out of this number and from 60-64 years of age - 4 persons. According to the level of education the structure of employees is as follows: I SE - 37 persons, 13 women, II SE - 18 persons, 7 women, III SE - 95 persons; 26 women, IV SE - 32 persons, 8 women, V SE - 6 persons, 2 women, VI SE - 5 persons, 1 woman, VII/1 SE - 6 persons.
67. Within the period of 6 months after the introduction of the measure concerned in 2010, there were 1,036 persons with disabilities who got jobs.
Since the adoption of the new Law on Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities in May 2009 there has been a considerable step forward in the total participation of persons with disabilities in the programmes of professional rehabilitation and the programmes of incitement of employment. The result of these programmes and entering into force of quota system is also increased employment of persons with disabilities in 2010 in relation to 2009. The establishment of the Budgetary Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Incitement of Employment of persons with disabilities made it possible to finance a larger number of measures in 2011. The result of this is that in six months in 2011 a larger number of persons with disabilities were included in the programmes in relation to the annual level in the previous two years. The same trend may also be noticed if we look at the programmes of subsidized employment thanks to which a larger number of persons with disabilities were employed in 2011 in relation to 2010. The positive effect of measures and programmes of active labour market policy in 2011 is also reflected in the trend of increase of the number of employed persons with disabilities from the records of the National Employment Agency.
IV Companies for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities as A Special Form of Employment
68. Companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities (at present in Serbia there are 43 active companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities that employ about 1,700 persons with disabilities in total. With the aim to develop social component of these companies and their positioning as the resource of working/professional training, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development continued professional support and award of financial resources (at monthly and annual levels), for the purpose of maintenance of production-service activities and more competitive market appearance of commercial entities of this type. In the course of 2010 from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, on the account of participation in salaries of employed persons with disabilities with companies of this type, the funds in the total amount of RSD 462,700,892.61 were transferred, while for the improvement of working conditions and improvement of production programmes 18 programmes were financially supported in the total amount of RSD 88,827,310.06.
69. In the course of 2011, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development effected the payment of RSD 364,193,384.00 on the account of participation in salaries of employed persons with disabilities with companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. In the subject period this Ministry also issued two public invitations for the award of funds to companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities from the Budgetary Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, as follows:
70. 1) The public invitation for the award of funds to companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities to cover operating business costs incurred until 31 December 2010 and/or support to development of competitiveness of companies for purchase of production materials and raw materials for investment in further cooperation. The funds pursuant to this public invitation were provided for in the Budgetary Fund for professional rehabilitation and incitement of employment of persons with disabilities, in the total amount of RSD 303,869,193.67, thus approving financing according to 54 applications.
71. 2) The public invitation for the award of funds to companies for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities to provide construction engineering standards and/or to provide standards in respect of equipment. The funds pursuant to this public invitation were provided for in the Budgetary Fund for professional rehabilitation and incitement of employment of persons with disabilities in the total amount of RSD 256,572,547.15.
72. More considerable increase of the amount of funds directed towards these commercial subjects for incitement of employment and professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is the result of inflow of funds into the Budgetary Fund (alternative fulfilment of the obligation to employ persons with disabilities).
V Assessment of Work Capacity
73. Based on the review of comprehensive state of individuals and state on the labour market, the expert body shall assess disease and injuries effecting work capacity and employment possibility or maintenance of employment according to the following scale:
- 0 degree – if there are no difficulties and obstacles for work, and if they are insignificant and do not effect work capacity; 1st degree – if difficulties and obstacles are minor and effect work capacity in relation to profession or jobs the person concerned may carry out preventing employment under general conditions;
- 2nd degree - if difficulties and obstacles are moderate, namely significant in relation to profession or jobs the person concerned may carry out making employment possible under special conditions – provided job, work post or jobs and work post are adjusted and under financial support of the employer within the programme of reimbursement of expenses for adjustment of work post and refund of salary of the person engaged to render professional support;
- 3rd degree - if difficulties and obstacles are complete or multiple, namely if a person cannot be employed or maintain employment neither under general nor under special conditions, whose work output is less than one third of work output of an employee at an ordinary work post, regardless of profession or jobs – work engagement as therapy at work centres.
The application of the new system of assessment of work capacity started in the Republic of Serbia in July 2010. Since the beginning of procedure of assessment, inclusive of 30 June 2011, 6,061 persons gained the status of a person with disability, namely their work capacities were assessed as well as the possibility of inclusion on the labour market. In spite of considerably larger inclusion of persons with disabilities in the measures of professional rehabilitation and programmes for incitement of employment, since 2010 there has been no decrease of the total number of unemployed persons because of the number of persons that gained the status of unemployed persons with disabilities after the assessment but participation of women was decreased in 2011 in comparison with 2009.
74. At the Tender for Inclusion of Associations in the process of strategy implementation through realization of the projects aimed at implementation of strategy priority objectives and activities planned by the Action Plan, which is carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports annually, within the period from September 2009 to March 2011, three projects of associations were financed, in the total amount of RSD 1,744,129.90.
75. In the course of 2009 the sector in charge of projects of the Ministry of Youth and Sports carried out eight infrastructural projects in total with the aim to construct, recover and adapt the buildings for sports activities, recreation and leisure activities of persons with disabilities, in the total value of RSD 20,249,996.00.
76. In the course of 2010 the sector in charge of projects of the Ministry of Youth and Sports carried out eight infrastructural projects in total with the aim to construct, recover and adapt the buildings for sports activities, recreation and leisure activities of persons with disabilities, in the total value of RSD 15,349,815.00.
77. Regular Programmes of the Ministry of Youth and Sports
78. Sports Camps of the Ministry of Youth and Sports
79. Budgetary Fund
80. In addition, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Sports Sector, financially supports 54 holders with disabilities of the National Sports Awards.
81. The accredited training programmes for employees of social protection system: Enigmatic World of Senses
(implemented 6 times); Personnel training programme for operation and opening of daily care for persons with disabilities (implemented 4 times); Guide for practical activities with persons with autism; Supported housing – training programmes for support service employees; Comprehensive approach and methods for optimization of potentials of children with disabilities; School of Living Skills
– training programmes for professionals for assessment and preparation of persons with disabilities for maximum independent living in the least restrictive surroundings (implemented 12 times); Training programmes for employees of the social protection institutions of persons with special needs to improve and maintain oral health of this target group; Training for incitation and development of service of personal assistants to work with mentally challenged persons; Hyper-habilitation (implemented twice); Application of Montessori method in activities with persons with disabilities (implemented 9 times); Early psycho-social stimulation of children with disabilities; Basic training programme for activities with children and persons with disabilities (implemented 5 times); Training of experts to carry out the programme of work engagement of mentally challenged persons on the open market; Application of IT in activities with persons with intellectual disabilities; Preparation and support to fostering families to accept children with down syndrome (implemented twice); Preparation and support to fostering families to accept moderately mentally challenged children (implemented twice); Socio-educational training programme for fostering parents in To Live with Us and Not Beside Us
specialized fostering; Establishment of sustainable service and programme of activities of daily cares for children and young with disabilities; Assessment of needs in order to provide efficient support – training for model preparation and instrument of assessment of needs of children with disabilities and their families.