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Article 20 Personal Mobility

231. According to the Law on Traffic Safety, training may be provided for candidates for drivers who are persons with disabilities, which must be performed in vehicles manufactured or adapted to meet the needs of candidates.

232. PWDs and organisations which bring them together are exempted from paying an annual motor vehicles fee for using public roads. The Law on Public Roads 47 prescribes that if a vehicle is driven by a person with a disability, it may be required to mark the vehicle with a sticker (Article 23). The sticker shall enable use of parking places which are with a supplementary panel marked as parking places for persons with disabilities, whereas other vehicles are prohibited from parking in these places.

Note #47
Official Gazette of RS No. 101/05, 123/07 and 101/11

233. Reconstruction of one of the central streets in Belgrade, Kralja Milana Street, in 2002, was an opportunity to install tactile paths for the blind and visually impaired persons and bring down curbs at pedestrian crossings for persons with mobility limitations. With the financial support from the Belgrade City Assembly, the project was implemented by a team of experts from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, in consultation with the local organisation of persons with disabilities.

234. An insured blind person is entitled to tiphlotechnical aids. The insured blind person who is trained to use Braille, is entitled to a Braille typewriter. If he/she is a member of a library or at school, the insured blind person is entitled to a player. The blind insured person is entitled to a Braille watch for the blind, to the glasses with dark glasses and to a white cane for the blind. The insured person, who is both blind and deaf, is entitled to an ultrasound stick. The insured blind person who is a pupil of the 5th or higher grade, a student, an employed person or a person who could make use of speech software for the Serbian language for the blind in terms of employment arrangements, is entitled to speech software for the Serbian language for the blind, if he/she has a computer of an appropriate configuration without this kind of speech software.

235. The Rulebook on medical and technical aids which are provided from the funds for compulsory health insurance, regulates types of medical and technical aids, indications for prescribing aids which are provided to insured persons by the Republic Fund of Health Insurance (RFHI) from the funds for compulsory health insurance, standards for materials used for making aids, service life of aids, i.e. procurement, maintenance and repair of aids, as well as method of and procedure for obtaining rights to aids by insured persons. This Rulebook also regulates forms on the basis of which insured persons exercise rights to aids. Aids determined by the Rulebook, provided to insured persons by RFHI (with or without participation), are: prosthetic aids (dentures); orthotic aids (orthoses); specific types of aids and sanitation equipment; ophthalmic aids; hearing aids; aids for enabling voice and speech; dental devices, and the term "aids" also includes consumables necessary for the use of specific aids. A constituent part of the Rulebook is the List of aids which includes types of aids, indications for prescribing aids, participants in the prescribing process, service life of aids and parts of aids with a shorter service life. A constituent part of the Rulebook is also a Codebook of aids which, according to types of aids, contains defined standards for producing aids, parts, quantities, servicing aids, changeable i.e. repairable parts.

236. Indications for prescribing aids are: a medical diagnosis made in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases – Tenth Revision (ICD 10), age or anthropometric measurements (body weight; body height) of the insured person; number of aids prescribed for specific types of aids; housing and other conditions relevant for the use and proper application of specific aids (housing, electricity, water, hygiene level, mental level or conservation, smoking habits, etc.). Aid quality standards are: method of making aids – the final product, individually tailored making, semi-finished product with individual adjustments; types of materials used for making entire or parts of aids; number of aids; servicing aids or parts of aids in the period from the expiry of the guarantee period to the expiry of service life, and other parameters which guarantee functionality of aids.
