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Appendix F: Inteview Notes

Interview Code:

Remember to also state Interview Code at beginning and end of audio recording

Page [current page] of [total pages]

Notes Written by:


Note: Please use as many sheets of paper as necessary to write your responses.

  1. Provide your overall impression of the interview (e.g. interviewee seemed nervous or anxious over certain questions, the atmosphere was comfortable, etc.).
  2. If any part of the audio recording of the interview is not clear, explain what is missing (if you remember).
  3. Provide details about the location of the interview (e.g. held indoors/outdoors, type of building, type of room, who else was around, etc.).
  4. Provide information about who was present at the interview (number of monitors, interpreters …)
  5. Provide details about any challenges faced or interruptions that occurred during the interview (e.g. airplane flew overhead making it difficult to hear, lost electrical power so could not see, etc.), at what stage in the interview they occurred and what steps were taken to address them.
  6. If you have any concerns about the truthfulness and/or accuracy of statements by the interviewee, explain why you feel this way (e.g. answers were very inconsistent, answers seemed rehearsed, etc.)

Signature of Monitor #1:

Signature of Monitor #2:
