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ICESCR Training Guide - Module 7: Final Discussion

Facilitator Overview


This module provides participants with an opportunity to review what has been learned during the training.


  • Summarizing the activities of the last two days, ask participants to complete the questions below, and then discuss participant's answers with the group. You may also want to answer the questions yourself, sharing what you have learned with and from the group.
  • Discuss any remaining questions, issues, concerns.

Time: 60 minutes

Participant Overview - Module 7: Final Discussion


This module provides participants with an opportunity to review what has been learned during the training.


In considering what has been learned during the training, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a final group discussion.

Time: 60 minutes

Activity: Summarizing What We Have Learned

Answer the following questions individually. Responses will be discussed in the larger group.

  1. What have you heard here that you will remember as particularly important?
  2. What have you learned here that you can take back to your community?
  3. What have you learned that you think you will be able to use in your everyday life?
  4. Is there something that you would still like to know or are confused about?

No one gives us rights. We win them in struggle. They exist in our hearts before they exist on paper. Yet intellectual struggle is one of the most important areas of the battle of rights. It is through concepts that we link our dreams to the acts of daily life.
(Albie Sachs, Protecting Human Rights in South Africa, p.vii, 1990)


A) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Resources

B) General human rights resources
